INSTRUCTIONS :Find 8 examples of real-world interactions. Analyse the affordances and signifiers: document 4 examples of good signifiers, and 4 bad ones. Make a presentation explaining your findings.
Good Examples:-
Washroom lock
affordance - to twist
signifier - the projection to hold comfortably and twist
Lip balm
affordance - to twist
signifier - the textured grip at the bottom of the balm
affordance - to click, scroll
signifier - the comfortable size of it which lets the hand grip it
Bottle sipper
affordance - to pop open the sipper
signifier - the projection to hold comfortably to pull and open
Bad Examples:-
Weird ass chair
affordance - to sit ? idk
signifier - odd shape and structure which makes the user question its use (maybe i'm stupid)
Window Handle
affordance - to twist and open the window
signifier - the placement of the handle makes the user assume to twist downward and open (like a door). but you need to twist it down
Dust Bin
affordance - to open it using the lever placed at the bottom
signifier - no one can see the lever and open the bin with their hand only